Websites I've come across this week are:
1. Listening: You just should listen to this interview with David Monagan. Don't get intimidated by its lenght. After all, we are language students and future translators or interpreters: http://www.wpr.org/hereonearth/archive_050122j.cfm
2. Speaking: Here is an address with some great phrases that will bring your speaking to another level: http://www.eslgold.net/speaking/phrases.html
3. Writing: If you have to write an informal essay, here is a site that features explanations for almost any English idiom just imaginable: www.phrases.org.uk
4. Grammar and vocabulary: Another great dictionary that is featured online can be accessed via: http://www.eslgold.net/speaking/phrases.html
And if that was not enough, I figured out that as I'm whinging in my profile about missing the crystal clear sea of my home town, I'll give you the internet address which offers a brief overview of the beauties of Lovran, situated between the lush mountains and the stunningly beautiful sea (though I must warn you that the site features some very rusty English): http://www.lovran.com/index_en.html
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