I know that we all do a hell of a lot of work to brush up our grammar skills, so here I'm just going to feature small, but confusing grammar problems I was confronted with while reading or writing something and had to look for an explanation in my various grammar books. One to recommend is: Advanced Grammar in Use by Martin Hewings (the sequel of our last years' book)

This week I'm going to explain the use of the word once. It's a very common word, but it has different meanings.
The first meaning is: one time or on one occasion- I'm only going to say this once, so please listen.
The second meaning is: at some point in the past- Did you know that I once worked for a wine company?
Once is also often use as an introductory device when telling a story- Once I was cycling through the park, when a dog started chasing me.
Once is also used to mean as soon as: You'll feel better once you get to know a few people.
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