Here I have again adapted an idea from Spotlight (I can highly recommend this mag for you as it has almost anything an English learner's heart could possibly hanker after :)).
Anyway, I'm going to provide you with "everyday English" vocabulary each week, which I'll break off in chunks. In that way, it will be easier for you to read it, and if you wish, memorize it:

The topic for this week is- green living
A short conversation: (in Spotlight, February 2007)
Rachel: Damian's gone completely over the top.
Lucy: Don't tell me. He wears his Birkenstocks to work now.
Rachel: Not that. You know the envelopes with the windows?
Lucy: Yes.
Rachel: He cuts them out, because they're plastic, not paper.
Lucy: That must take ages.
Rachel: Yes, especially if you use scissors.
Lucy: You're joking.
Rachel: No, it's a ritual. Every Sunday evening he sits down with a pot of tea and works through his envelopes.
Lucy: I suppose it's rooibos he's drinking, is it?
Rachel: I asked whether boiling the kettle negated the effort he put into the separation process.
Lucy: And?
Rachel: He was really offended. He's refusing to talk to me now.
Birkenstock- is a German company famous all over the world for its sandals; the picture of one model is on the right

rooibos (the picture is featured on the right)- is the name of a bush, which is used for making tea, grown in South Africa
negate (slightly formal)- to cause something to be useless-The increase in our profits has been negated by the rising costs of runnning the business.
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