Two days ago I finished reading "4.50 from Paddington" by Agatha Christie.
I can only say so much:
In the last post I revealed to you that the police were poking their noses round the estate where the woman's dead body was found. After that, there arouse the possibility that the dead woman was the wife of one brother of the Crackenthorpe family, who died in the war. Everything pointed out to that and Scotland Yard thought one of the brothers, who were still alive, did it. Then, suddenly, the most suspect brother ,Alfred, dies of poisoning with arsen. Who is the murderer then...
Here is some vocabulary that is not Victorian at all. On the contrary, it is there for you to make use of:
feverish shopping, activity etc-excited-Have you seen the feverish activity in the kitchen?
to pay the earth/ to cost the earth-to pay a lot/to cost a lot
wildly unlikely- it certainly is very unlikely to happen-It is wildly unlikely that she will pass the year if she continues to procrastinate.
treacherous-dangerous-Snow and ice have left many roads treacherous, and motorists are warned to drive slowly.
perturbed (formal); perturb; perturbation-worried-He didn't seem unduly/overly perturbed by the news.
undue; unduly (formal)-too much-There's no need to be unduly pessimistic about the situation.
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