Yesterday evening Ivana, Pia, Tina and myself ventured on, after what it seemed like ages, our journey of speaking English with native speakers.
Place: Prince Charles pub, Graz
Time: some time after nine p.m.
Once again everything we experienced could only be described as undiluted fun. There were three guys and a girl from England there-all expats, so we really had a chance of putting our knowledge of speaking English into use. And sure we did...
On several occassions throughout the course of the evening, we were complimented for our command of the language, but I'm not quite sure if the compliments count as the person who complimented us was a bit tipsy.
Anyway, it is indescribably hard to remember everything that was spoken about during lively talks in a flamboyant and racuous atmosphere. I do, however, know that the Britons said that the quality of life in Austria is much better compared to the UK and that the crime rate is much lower in Austria as well. One of them also said that the best English is spoken in York and that the quota of Britons who are emigrating from the UK is steadily rising. I'm not quite sure of that,but I'm sure that York is certainly appealing to visit:

All in all, the night out at the Prince Charles with the AAC students was a success story for us. Not only did we talk actively in English the whole night through, but the whole atmosphere in the cosy pub was like drinking a cup of your hot chocolate-soul-soothing.
So, what is left to say- you should come along to the Stammtisch one Thursday, but before coming check out the AAC students official website at: where you can find out everything that is worth knowing and have a look at pictures of the merry time we are all having together when we meet each Thursday:

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