Anyway, during the first few days of January Pam was in Tuscany and admits that it is as fascinating as it has been portrayed in books, films etc My favourite picture she featured on her blog from Tuscany has to be this one:

Back in Austria, there was plenty of snow and freezing cold weather awaiting her. So, what else to do than to contemplate and advice others. Pam contemplates about gay rights in the USA after having a nightmare featuring George W. Bush (he really is her pet aversion).
The way I see it, gay people should certainly have the right to marry and conduct their domestic life as they please. There is, though, a right I'm not quite sure gay people should receive just like that-the right to adopt children. Somehow, I hold that having two mothers or fathers may irreparably affect a child's psyche. Maybe I'm completely wrong in believing that... There's an overview about the history of gay rights in America, if this interests you, on
Another issue she was brooding about is the feverish shopping people indulge in nowadays. How I understood her is that she certainly isn't anti-consumer, but she is a proponent of using one's common sense whilst shopping. In other words, asking yourself questions like do I need it desperately or just want it etc
I've found some sound advice about how to shop cleverly in different spheres of your life on :,,404905,00.html
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