I came across the first one by chance in an Austrian rag that is delivered at your doorstep. My first reaction when I read the headline was that I burst out laughing. As I don't want to keep you on tenterhooks anymore, let me tell you what it's about-If you want to earn some money and if you are a good-looking man, you should consider becoming a bag boy. Yes, that's right-a bag boy. Your task is to carry the bags for filthy rich women and wait on the check-out for them when they're shopping and always be charming whilst doing it. Of course, you also receive a pay-23 euros per hour. So if you are in Graz and find this offer appealing, check out the website www.bagboy.at. For me it was just a hilarious text to read, but it also made me realise that the extravagance of the rich has no limits.
The second text was an interview with Cate Blanchett in the UK edition of Marie Claire (you can buy it once a month at Moser or at your nearest newsagent's-it is good value for money if you like a mix of fashion and texts that elevate your mind). Anyway, I chose to read the text becasue Blanchett is one of my favourite actresses and a amazingly beautiful woman on top of that. After reading it, though, I admire Blanchett even more because: a) she succeeded in Hollywood although the industry's obsession with beauty is not high on her agenda b)she always looks out for fresh challenges and c) for saying that you've got to risk failure in life.
I think we all do, what do you think?
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