Why is it that I always have the feeling that Mandel's blog teaches me so much.
This time it is all about food. You see, Mandel isn't only a freelance writer, no, she is also an amateur restaurant reviewer who isn't afraid of tongue-lashing. She and a couple of friends aka the Jackson Street Eatres visit predominately East Asian eating places on an regular basis and Mandel reports about their quality. So, she sometimes writes passionately about cinnamon rolls which will haunt you as they are absolutely delicious while on other occasions she describes meals which will make you cry for the money vasted.
What I've discovered from reading this entries of her's is that I'll definitely try out some East Asian food some time soon. Cinnamon rolls I adore already, but they are anyway not an Asian product.
Lets turn our back on food and concentrate on Mandel's political views. I said in one of my previous entries that those were strong. Now I can safely say that she is against the war in Iraq. I will not voice my opinion about it just know, but I will give you more information on Memorial Day in the USA. You may ask yourself now what this has to do with Mandel being against the war in Iraq. Well, she contemplated about her views on the war in Iraq on Memorial Day.
Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the USA celebrated on the last Monday in May. It commemorates all American women and men who have died in military service for their country. If you wish to know more about it, visit:

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