After having read the book, it is high time I convey to you my thoughts about the book as a whole.
For starters, let me tell you that "Jaywlaking with the Irish" is for me a masterpiece of a book and probably the best I have read for some time.
This is so because:
a) the topic is absolutely riveting
b) Monagan's writing style is indescribably beautiful
c) the insights you gain into Ireland are accurate and absorbing
d) the family's lives in a new country are depicted very earnestly and you can relate to many of their problems which makes the book much more true-to-life
Secondly, my admiration goes to the family for taking the plunge in the first place and starting life anew miles away from home. They had their ups and downs, they went through thick and thin, but they did prove that the sky is the limit for any dream a person may nurture.
Finally, I must say that initially I was shocked by the ending of the book as I was expecting a fairytale one. After brooding about it a day or two, I came to the conclusion that the family's decision to go back to the States because of their unselfish love for their old relatives is praiseworthy. After all, home is were the heart is.
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