For starters I have an internet address to offer you where Mandel writes about snowshoe manufacturers (if you find it absolutely riveting to read):
Then, let me move to the other topics on hand. First of all, Mandel's way of looking at jobs. Not in her wildest dream could she do a nine-to-five job in an office as she hates small, enclosed places. What's more she wants a job with a limited duration-maximum six months-as she gets itchy feet very soon. With regards to what I've written, you may think of her as very picky if not something worse, but I hold that if she has the choice, time and money why not being harder to please when on job search.

In comparison to Croatia, however, I doubt that people would even have the chance to be near as picky as Mandel. Not only aren't Croatians accustomed to often changing jobs, but they also haven't many possibilities to do it as new jobs are as scarce as snow in the middle of summer.
Secondly, she talked about the alpacas and passover. What the hell is that? Let me explain one at a time.

Alpacas- are a domesticated species of South American camelid and resemble a sheep in appearance. They are kept on farms for their wool, used for making blankets, sweaters, gloves, ponchos etc Their wool comes in more than 22 natural colours.
Passover-is a Jewish holiday which commemorates the Exodus and the freedom of the Israelites from ancient Egypt. If you wish to read more anout it, visit:

Finally, I wish to thank Mandel for being able to take so many new cultural references from her blog and by doing this broadening my views. There is nothing more beautiful than that.
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