Last week I read the book "Mother Love"by L.R. Wright which had cordially been lent to me by Ivana.
At first I found the book to be a huge page -turner as the story about a woman who disappears, leaving a family and chaos in her way is usually electrifying. The book became more compelling still when the woman's death body was traced down and the realisation came that she had been brutally murdered.
What unfolded after that discovery was a vividly told story filled to the brim with twists and turns.
What came as a huge surprise to me though was the fact that the end of the book was less than satisfying. Actually, to be more precise, it was trite and it spoiled my intial fondness of the book.
All in all, this book is good for picking up useful vocab, but it isn't such a huge page- turner after all.
What shocked me even more is that when I tiped in the name of L.R.Wright, I learnt that she passed away in 2001 of breast cancer. If you wish to read the interview with this crime writer who died untimely, visit:
some useful vocab explained:
escalate; escalation-to make or become greater or more serious:
The decision to escalate UN involvement has been taken in the hopes of a swift end to the hostilities.
fraud; fraudulent; fraudulently; fraudulence-intended to deceive:
They claim that the fall in unemployment is based on a fraudulent manipulation of statistics.
surreptitious; surreptitiously; surreptitiousness-done secretly, without anyone seeing or knowing:
She seemed to be listening to what I was saying, but I couldn't help noticing her surreptitious glances at the clock.
iron-clad-adjective [usually before noun]
very certain and unlikely to be changed:
iron-clad rules
mull sth. over-to think carefully about something for a long time:
I need a few days to mull things over before I decide if I'm taking the job.
incessant; incessantly-never stopping, especially in an annoying or unpleasant way:
incessant rain/noise/complaints
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