Welcome to the French "joie the vivre". What is that...
For Thomas it is the joy of the moment, indulging in the small gestures and events that make our life worth living.
Such a thing seems, unfortunately, to me to be a relict of the past. Most of the world is enslaved to materialism and we have almost but forgotten the beauty of the moment. Walking near the sea, running in the woods, being thrilled to bits when someone thinks of you etc are mundane pursuits for the majority of people nowadays. 

Why, oh why, can't we realise that money isn't everything and most important of all that money doesn't buy happiness. I hope we do before it is not too late.
Another way of looking at this phenomen can be found on:
The second topic Kim wrote about is divorce and how it is an war without taking care of the weapons used in her case. I can comprehend how difficult it is for her to cope with that as my mother and I went through something smiliar a long time ago. Our home was broken, the only way out was a divorce and then a man, who I don't even like to call my father, started to torment us, spreading lies about my mother, who was so sad about it that she became as thin as a rake.

Luckily, my "father" left us in peace and has never asked about me since. I know most people cannot understand how I hate him so much, the blood of my blood. I don't expect of others to comprehend it, but is just the way I feel. I don't know better, I suppose. That's the story of my life.
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