This weeks' recommendation is a book I've purchased for a song in Croatia some time ago, but which richness lies in its content:
"Friends, Lovers, Chocolate" by Alexander McCall Smith
The book is a part of a series featuring the character of Isabel Dalhousie, a middle-aged philosopher, who in this novel tries to unveil the mystery surrounding a heart-transplant recipient. Alongside with attempting to help a person in need, Isabel explores the universal themes in life namely the pursuit of love and the bonds of friendship.
My opinion:
What struck me most about this book is the portrayal of the main characters as they all leaped off the pages as very real. What's more, "Friends, Lovers, Chocolate" has a myriad of philosophical questions which make one contemplative about life and all that.
I would prescribe this novel, a hot chocolate and a cozy couch to anyone as a means of pondering about life.
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