Another Thursday. Another stint at Prince Charles pub. Our topic of conversation this time was tattoos.
If I cast my mind back a few years, I would remember how my fellow grammar school friends got tattoos surreptitiously done on all just imaginable parts of their body. Unlike them, I didn't get one as the mere thought of the needle used in such a procedure made me feel frozen with fear.
Nevertheless, back then I committed myself that one day I would find out more about tattoos and this day has finally come.
A tattoo is a mark made by inserting pigment into the skin as a way of body modification. The word derives reportedly from the Samoan or Tahitian word tatau which means to mark or strike twice.
Tattoos have been around since time immemorial as they go hand in hand with different cultures where they symbolise ranks, rites of passage etc. Nowadays they are seen as expressions of a person's character. Some tattoos are a form of cosmetics called permanent makeup which is used to intensify a person's eyebrows, eyes etc. by using natural colours.
The procedure of getting a tattoo revolves around an electric tattoo machine which inserts ink into your skin via a group of needles.
Although many people get tattooed or even heavily tattooed following the maxime no risk, no fun, I still look at tattooing with a cautious eye because of the health risks attached which can range from the less harmful infections and allergic reactions to diseases like tetanus or hepatitis due to being tattooed with unsterilized equipment.
Despite the fact that most people wear their tattoos forever, some repent their decision very soon and usually try to turn back time via laser removal. Alas, every laser removal is a complex, painful and costly procedure and no removal can prevent permanent scarring.
Taking all the above mentioned into consideration, before you get a tattoo, weigh all the pros and cons carefully, so that you don't end up with a hole in your pocket and a salutary lesson learnt.
p.s. While talking about something else, someone told me the English equivalent of "Versuchskaninchen" namely guinea pig.
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