Montag, 14. Mai 2007

life with a French man

In a post I read on this blog yesterday Thomas wrote about the fact that he doesn't consider France to be a democratic country. How come?

Well, democracy should be about the power for the people by the people. In other words, the people we elect each year are those who are supposed to represent us, our voice. Here is where the root of the problem is. Instead of discussing the problems of the electorate, politicians start to fight about who will get the larger piece of the action and who knows what else. The end result is that you as a voter feel cheated by exactly those people who should have implemented their pledges to you and accordingly you lose the faith in the power of voting.

This is exactly what is happening to me at the moment. I've only voted for two times so far, but still I feel that there is not much point in voting again because:

a) all the parties have similar manifestos
b) when one party comes to power it instantly forgets all about its promises
c) for the next four years I only witness battles between the opposition and the party in power about who will take more money from the Croatian public

Nevertheless, I think I'm going to vote in the next general elections in November as it is my civic duty to do so although for the Croatian politics to change for better, there should be an earthquake which would bring the politicians to their senses again.

If you want to read what Thomas wrote about this explosive topic, take a look at:

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